About CVE-2024-46292 - 2024 October

We would like to share our take on CVE-2024-46292, which was published on October 9 2024.

On September 12 we received an email to [email protected] from @yoloflz101. The subject was “Modsecurity 3.0.12 Dos Issue”. The following is a summary of the exchange with @yoloflz101:

We also informed the reporter that the presented attack is only possible if the value of the variable SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit is set to an extremely high value, significantly higher than the value found in the recommended configuration. Using values outside of the recommended ranges is the responsibility of users.

While the CVE and the reporter’s original email both mention ModSecurity 3.0.12, version 3.0.13 had been released almost two weeks before, on September 3.

Despite repeated attempts, we have been unable to reproduce the behavior described by the reporter using the configuration and request as presented on their GitHub page (linked in the CVE).

At this point, the conversation with the reporter had ended and we felt that we had acted with due diligence.

On October 9 the CVE was published. We immediately contacted the reporter and asked more information:

We strive to cover every security report as professionally as possible and believe that we have done so in this case. We can only appeal to reporters to be thorough in their reports and to contact us about their intentions to submit CVE’s before submitting, only then do we have a fair chance of verifying whether a report warrants a CVE.

Unfortunately, we are still unable to reproduce the issue. We wish we could have given the reporter another chance to send us a proof of concept before publishing this post but under the circumstances we needed to let the community know our view of the CVE. If the reporter is unable to provide a proof of concept that is repeatable within next three days we will initiate the procedure for retracting the CVE.

Ervin Hegedus